New Director of Training appointed

Pioneer minister Ali Dorey has been appointed Director of Training for Fresh Expressions.

Ali currently serves in the Diocese of Sheffield as Mission Development Coordinator for North Sheffield Estates where she works across eight parishes.

She previously helped to establish and run the Church Army Pioneer Hub and has been leading mission shaped ministry in Sheffield as part of the course team for four years.

She will start her new, half-time role on 1st July 2015.

Ali says,

I am delighted to be given the opportunity to work with the national Fresh Expressions team. This team have done extraordinary work over the past ten years in equipping the Church to engage effectively and lovingly with the world. We will be trusting God to lead us into all that the future holds. I anticipate exciting and unpredictable times ahead!

Pete Atkins, Convener of the Training Hub, welcomed the appointment, saying,

We're delighted that Ali is joining the team as she brings with her a wealth of experience, both of working with pioneers and leading msm. She will undoubtedly complement the existing gifts and skills within Fresh Expressions and we very much look forward to her leading the training team into the future.

Ali has worked extensively in community development and teaching. She went on to train for ordained ministry at Cranmer Hall, Durham. Following ordination in 2007, she worked as a parish priest in Doncaster for four years before moving to her current role developing mission in North Sheffield.

Ali is also a Companion with Contemplative Fire, a fresh expression of church which has since become an Acknowledged Community within the Anglican Communion. With a BA in Biblical Studies and Music and an MA in Theology and Ministry, Ali is a pianist who enjoys playing and listening to many kinds of music – including classical, jazz and rock. Sometimes this involves her playing keyboard in the Christian rock band Metanoia which offers alternative worship within the sacramental tradition through the 'Rock Mass'.

Ali sings in Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus and lives in a community house at Pitsmoor.

20 thoughts on “New Director of Training appointed”

  1. This is exciting news. As a member of the Sheffield msm team I am thrilled to see Ali in this role. she is passionate about sharing the Good News of Jesus with those on and beyond the edges of the church.

  2. God is good. God goes ahead to plan the way. Our newly formed training Hub in South African can learn so much from you.

  3. Well deserved, Ali. You are a great blessing to all of us who have worked with you in Doncaster and here in N Sheffield and I am sure the Lord will greatly bless many more people as you serve Him in this wider role. Lots of love, F

  4. Ali will be an asset to the Fresh Expressions team, and it’s great that she can also continue in her strategic role on the North Sheffield Estates for the other half of her time. It’s a win-win! Congratulations Ali.

  5. Heartiest congrats, Ali. May the Holy Spirit inspire and indwell you. It’s been a delight to work and sing alongside you in Contemplative Fire and at Whirlow Spirituality Centre. Go syncopate!

  6. Congratulations Ali, You were an inspiration to my wife and I when we did the Fresh Expressions Course in Doncaster in 2013 and thoroughly deserve your new appointment.You’re in our thoughts and prayers.

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