The Guide

What is the Guide?

The Guide contains how-to-do-it advice on starting, developing and sustaining fresh expressions of church based on shared experiences. All the material is based on listening to hundreds of different stories on how fresh expressions begin and are sustained.

What are the principles behind the Guide?

There is a detailed list of contents below, and the Guide can be browsed using the menus to the right of each page. You can also search for pages from the Guide using the search box above (which covers both stories and pages from the guide).

Essential fresh expressions

All the essentials of fresh expressions of church in just 21 minutes – if you’re new to the Guide, these seven three-minute guides are a great place to start.

Three-minute Guide

Full contents

Three-minute guides: essential fresh expressions

What are fresh expressions of church?
Five reasons to start a fresh expression of church
How to start a fresh expression of church
How to start making disciples
How to grow mature disciples
Reproducing your fresh expression of church
How to measure fruitfulness

About fresh expressions: the theory

What is a fresh expression of church? A different approach to church
Unpacking the definition
What does a ‘mixed economy’ church involve? The Jerusalem and Antioch churches
What Christian principles lie behind fresh expressions? Community-in-mission
Creative experimentation
Human culture
Transforming society
Disciples of Jesus
Dying to live
Cultural diversity More on the homogenous unit principle
Unity across diversity
Fresh expressions in church history Antioch
The word of life in England
The Benedictines
Thomas Cranmer
Nicholas Ferrar
John Wesley
Charles Kingsley
Dorothy L Sayers
Why do fresh expressions matter? God’s call to mission
Post-modern society
Spiritual openings in society
Decline of Christendom
Strategic sense
Are fresh expressions proper church? Up
The essence of church
Is God calling me to be involved? How might a call come?
How might you be a gift?
How might you discern God’s call?

Examples of fresh expressions

Rural | Urban | Café | Workplace | Under 5s and families | Children | Older people | Online | Other faiths | New monastic | Learning disabilities

How do fresh expressions develop?

A fresh expressions journey – the rationale
A fresh expressions journey – in detail
Loving and serving
Building community
From ‘loving’ to ‘exploring’
From ‘exploring’ to ‘church’

Starting and growing: the practice

How should we start?
What form should our fresh expression take?
How can we get support?
How can we navigate uncharted waters? Registering as a charity
How can we grow something sustainable?
How can we be a great team?

Discipleship: theory and practice

A journey, not a course
Start where people are Discipleship and personality
Transform the whole of life
Commitment to a Christian community
Support of other Christians
Rethink worship, learning and practices Different learning styles
Dependence on the Spirit
Changing as society changes
Published resources essence
A Passionate Life
Living Faith
Come as you are…
The Imagine Project
Covenant Discipleship Groups
Freedom in Christ
Glad You Asked
Discipleship Explored
A Life Worth Living
Fresh expressions resources

Sustaining: the practice

Shared leadership
Multiplying leaders
Passing on your values

Supporting: the practice

Bishops’ Mission Orders
FEASTs (Fresh Expressions Area Strategy Teams) Possible values for a FEAST
Supervising a pioneer

Worship ideas

Intros For children, teens, all-age, 20s-30s, complex, retired, medium
Adoration For children, teens, all-age, 20s-30s, complex, retired, medium
Confession For children, teens, all-age, 20s-30s, complex, retired, medium
Praise For children, teens, all-age, 20s-30s, complex, retired, medium
Scripture For children, teens, all-age, 20s-30s, complex, retired, medium
Creeds For children, teens, all-age, 20s-30s, complex, retired, medium
Intercession For children, teens, all-age, 20s-30s, complex, retired, medium
Peace For children, teens, all-age, 20s-30s, complex, retired, medium
Lord’s Prayer For children, teens, all-age, 20s-30s, complex, retired, medium
Communion For children, teens, all-age, 20s-30s, complex, retired, medium
Blessings For children, teens, all-age, 20s-30s, complex, retired, medium


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