Going for Growth summer school

Come and learn more about mission and leadership in 21st century Scotland, with Phil Potter, George Lings and Doug Gay.

This summer school is being run by the Church of Scotland, and is open to all in the Church of Scotland and beyond who are passionate about mission and the future of God's Church.

Beginning at lunchtime on the Monday and ending with lunch on the Thursday, each day will begin with worship and will explore the opportunities and possibilities of mission.

This is part of a three-year initial programme, encouraging the Church to explore what it means to be part of God's people in Scotland at this time, engaging at a local level and gathering together for an annual encounter to take things further.

Our hope for the event is that we will be both renewed in our faith and challenged to go out in faith. Our prayer is that we will harness the best of all that we, as a people of faith, have inherited, as we develop a fresh vision and explore fresh, emerging models of church in an ever changing culture.

We will learn from each other, journey together and share stories of faith.

This event is not just for ministers, but for all. However, Church of Scotland ministers can use their study leave to take part.

Places are limited, so please book now.


Full board and acommodation: £300

Without accommodation: £170

Some bursaries are available – please contact mandd@churchofscotland.org.uk if finance prevents you taking part.

Further details and booking

Book online on the Resourcing Mission website.

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