If you have seen expressions: the dvd – 1 then you will remember Somewhere Else – the Liverpool ‘bread’ church. Heather Lovelady brings the story up to date.
After a fantastic 10 years at Somewhere Else, we have spent the summer saying our goodbyes to our founder minister, Rev Dr Barbara Glasson, and have just welcomed Rev Ian Hu as our new minister from September.
Transition is never easy and over the last 12 months we have worked and prayed hard as a community to find the person to help us continue this unique city centre ministry. We are excited to see where God will take us over the next few years. Will bread making remain at the centre of the mission? We are keeping an open mind, although this simple yet deeply theological concept has helped us engage practically and spiritually with many people: marginalised, ordinary and powerful here in Liverpool, nationally and in the wider world. Our small upper room continues to provide safer space for the vulnerable, inspiration to those discerning their calling, silence for prayer and reflection and a place to be continually ‘amazed’ by the bread…
We recently held a story making event at Somewhere Else with artist Laura Wild. You may like to look at the gloriousninth.net website to see some photos and video clips of community members fashioning ‘story starters’ from sourdough and then making their story as part of a national artwork project called ‘culture capital 2009’.
Come and visit! We are open for bread making, prayers and lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10.30 to 2.00pm and worship is on the third Sunday of the month at 11.00am.