5 thoughts on “What is a pioneer? (Dave Male)”

  1. Yes! Thank you Dave for this sensible analysis. If only our Diocesan structures would recognise this. As someone trying to make our Pioneer call work in a traditional Parish I cannot agree more. Food for thought.

  2. I am sorry but I have never heard pf Pioneers in the church and after listening to your video I am none the wiser about what is a Pioneer.

  3. Thanks Dave. Your clarity of concept and practical explanations helped me to introduce the concept of ‘pioneers’ to others, especially the concept of an ‘order of Pioneers’. Having read your book addressing pionner ministry and heard you present to seminars on this topic, I can understand your comments in the video more readily, too. It’s great to have access to your thinking and experimentation via this video. Thanks again for the encourging and guiding comments.
    I have suggested others in our Theological College (Melbourne, Australia) and Uniting Church in Australia (Synod of Victoria and Tasmania) Presbytery Ministers engage the video and page on the website as noted above. During 2013 we are gradually introducing more Vision Days and msi events as we head towards an initial msm pilot event later this year. Interest is certainly growing. Now we are starting to work out what we can do to identify and support pioneers -both those already active and unrecognised, and those ready and rearing to go.

  4. Thanks for your comments everyone. I have been thinking today about Jesus is the archetypal pioneer. In the New testament the word pioneer is used 4 times and each time it referes to Jesus.

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