Trail blazing times for Moot – Mar13

Moot has started the formal process in seeking to set up an Acknowledged New Monastic Religious Community in the UK.

In what is a new initiative of the Advisory Council for the Relations between Diocesan Bishops and Religious Communities (the body which oversees good governance and support of the various religious communities in communion with the Church of England), Moot has begun the discernment process being led by the two appointed visitors, Abbot Stuart Burns of the Anglican Benedictines and Sister Joyce of the Anglican Franciscans.

A working party, made up of participants of the Moot Community and others pioneering new monastic communities elsewhere, has begun the careful negotiations to prayerfully seek a way forward. It is hoped that by the end of July 2013, there will be a formal proposal and completed constitution for the Community to consider before it goes before the Advisory Council.

As a founding member of the Moot community, Ian Mobsby said the move was a trail blazing one:

This is an exciting time, and an important piece of work, exploring in prayer and dialogue how Moot is growing up in its sense of vocation and sustainability.

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