mission shaped intro: course notes and DVD

mission shaped intro helps people to reconnect with the communities they are called to serve and to re-imagine the forms of church that are needed for the 21st century. It takes you on a creative and reflective journey looking at the need for new ways of being church.

Our world and our lives change at an ever faster pace, but how does the church respond to this change? Are new ways of being church possible? If so, what might they look like?

msi has been used by over 75,000 people worldwide and is ideal for those starting from scratch or with a basic understanding of fresh expressions of church. It features six lively and interactive 120-minute sessions with creative activities, film clips, discussion, worship and prayer.

mission shaped intro is also available to download.

mission shaped intro: workbook

mission shaped intro helps people to reconnect with the communities they are called to serve and to re-imagine the forms of church that are needed for the 21st century. It takes you on a creative and reflective journey looking at the need for new ways of being church.

Our world and our lives change at an ever faster pace, but how does the church respond to this change? Are new ways of being church possible? If so, what might they look like?

msi has been used by over 75,000 people worldwide and is ideal for those starting from scratch or with a basic understanding of fresh expressions of church. It features six lively and interactive 120-minute sessions with creative activities, film clips, discussion, worship and prayer.

mission shaped intro is also available to download.