Warham Community Church – update

Warham - gamesAn update to the story of the Warham Trust in Winchester Diocese, featured on expressions: the dvd – 2: changing church in every place.

The Warham Trust was founded with the permission of Winchester Diocese in the early 1990s as a direct result of house groups and Alpha courses reaching people who did not feel that they 'belonged' to any particular church. The first part-time Missioner was appointed and Sunday services were held at Wootton St Lawrence, gathering many new Christians together from a wide geographical area.

Various midweek events were held, including further Alpha courses, Marriage and Parenting courses. The core group of Warham members continued to expand, and under the leadership of two further Missioners, numbers grew.

Warham - crossAs members' faith deepened, so did their desire to serve in their local communities and churches. The decision to move Sunday services to the afternoon released many people to their local churches, whilst still having the opportunity to maintain relationships that had become so important.

In 2009 Malcolm Duncan was appointed as Chaplain and Warham Trust became the Warham Community Church. The Church seeks to serve communities for Christ by:

  • enabling discipleship through teaching and training;
  • connecting people who hold a shared vision;
  • supporting mission as a lifestyle.

As a new leadership structure was introduced, Elders were recommended and recognised and a system for Church membership as 'Partners' was approved. In July 2010 the decision was made to stop Sunday meetings altogether and concentrate instead on providing an opportunity to bring friends along to midweek meetings held on a monthly basis in different locations within the area that Warham Partners live. Guest speakers are being invited who are known locally or nationally.

Warham - chairsAfter an inspiring and invigorating time for the Warham Community Church, Malcolm Duncan left at the end of 2010 to pastor the Goldhill Baptist Church. The Elders decided that it was not a good time to appoint a new Chaplain whilst the Partners re-focus on the new Church mission, but will review this decision later.

Although there is some unhappiness at the ending of Sunday services, many Warham Partners are now focusing on supporting local churches, community activities and charities. Pastoral support increasingly comes through membership of small groups.

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