Fresh Expressions is a ‘catalyst for renewed missional thinking’

Two leading theologians have described the Fresh Expressions initiative as:

one of the most significant missional movements in the recent history of Christianity in these islands.

The statement comes in a report to the Church of Scotland written by Professor John Drane and Olive Fleming Drane. Reformed, Reforming, Emerging and Experimenting is a study in contextual theology reflecting the experiences of initiatives in emerging ministry being funded by the Church of Scotland.

The research – conducted on behalf of a Joint Working Party from the Church of Scotland's Ministries Council and its Mission and Discipleship Council – found that many emerging communities feel they are 'in the Church but not of it' with missional activists working more on the fringes of traditional church life than they would wish.

The research states that most of those involved in such missional expressions would value recognition of their work – and particularly a practical demonstration of a mixed economy church in which they could take their place as legitimate expressions of 'real' church alongside existing traditional parishes.

In discussing the ongoing impact of Fresh Expressions, the report says, 'Now, some six years after the publication of mission-shaped church and the establishment of Fresh Expressions… the second phase of this initiative has every appearance of being one of the most significant missional movements in the recent history of Christianity in these islands.'

Reformed, Reforming, Emerging and Experimenting highlights the take-up and development of the mission shaped ministry course with many of the 2,000 msm participants to date being clergy 'eager to be quipped to meet the challenges of the new missional imperative.'

The authors add, 'In 2010, seventy enrolled in Scottish pilots of this course in Glasgow and Inverness, and have shown the same enthusiasm for it as Christians in England, Wales and Ireland. Moreover, Fresh Expressions has become a catalyst for renewed missional thinking in other mainline denominations worldwide.'

Among final recommendations as to future steps the church might take in response to the findings, the report issues a challenge, 'A radical reimagination of what it means to follow Jesus in today's rapidly changing culture has been embraced by the Church of England – following the Archbishop of Canterbury's lead. A similarly inspirational leadership will be necessary if emerging initiatives are to be fully embraced by the Church of Scotland.'

In May, the report will be submitted to the Church of Scotland for further study and reflection.

Based in Aberdeenshire, John and Olive have an extensive ministry worldwide. John taught Religious Studies at Stirling University (1977-1998) and Practical Theology at Aberdeen University (1998-2004). The Dranes are Fellows of St John's College in the University of Durham as well as being adjunct professors in the School of Theology at Fuller Seminary, California. John serves on the Fresh Expressions mission shaped ministry Board and Olive has been involved in developing new material for the course.

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