Seminar pack: Fresh expressions and older people

Written by Mike Collyer, a Church Army Captain specialising in ministry and mission amongst older people, this seminar pack is ideal for those seeking to create fresh expressions for the fastest growing demographic group in Britain.

The material has been written to help participants:

  • begin to be equipped with ideas for appropriate ministry among older people;
  • consider forms of church that can be accessible to the de-churched and unchurched;
  • have a better understanding of what it might mean to be older;
  • explore how they might relate to different cohort groups.

The seminar helps people reflect on the differences within generations as well as between generations and affirms that in the 21st century a range of expressions of church are needed, as one size does not fit all.

Ideal for use in small- to medium-sized church meetings, vision day seminar packs explore specific key issues and various genres of fresh expressions.

Other materials will be required to present the material including a copy of expressions: the dvd – 1: stories of church for a changing culture.

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