Seminar pack: Enabling finance in fresh expressions

This seminar pack is also available as how can we finance a fresh expression (Share booklet 08).

Longing to start a fresh expression but worried about the finances? Here is a pack to help you!

Written by John Preston, National Stewardship and Resources Officer, Church of England the pack:

  • explains how finance can be a critical factor in enabling the success or failure of fresh expressions;
  • explores how attitudes to money and finance are an important element in project planning;
  • emphasises that finance is both a theological and an economic issue.

Using the material will help participants to:

  • explore their attitude to money and finance;
  • acquire a simple project planning tool to help with vision exploration;
  • take away ‘seven top tips’ for the early stages of project planning and vision exploration;
  • identify the importance of sustainable income, including regular giving;
  • learn about some key resources in this area;
  • share experiences and learn from one another’s successes and mistakes.

Ideal for use in small- to medium-sized church meetings, vision day seminar packs explore specific key issues and various genres of fresh expressions.

Other materials will be required to present the material including a copy of expressions: the dvd – 1: stories of church for a changing culture.

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