Category: Tina Adams
When Chris and Tina Adams received a word of prophecy about their garden shed, thE DEN was born and the Holy Spirit has continued to be at work ever since.
After singing in worship one young person was in tears as she understood for the first time all that Jesus had done for her on the cross. She wrote in thE DEN journal: "Dear God and Jesus, I never really thought about your death in this much detail and now that I have… I am eternally grateful for what you have done and sacrificed for us!!…Thank you for bringing kindness and happiness to me. Thank you for truly bringing the Holy Spirit, you and Jesus to me!!" Another was healed of a persistent eye infection after prayer.
A group of sixth formers now come and join us to worship and support the younger ones. Many have difficulties at home and most have very little or no experience of church. They have begun to grow as a group and are becoming good friends. Their new faith has resulted in a noticeable change in behaviour both at home and school.