
Imagine Church for those who don't do Church is the challenging title of the next Glasgow Fresh Expressions Vision Event on 22 April 2017.


David McCarthy, Martin Fair Sara Deeks 


£12 including refreshments, please bring your own lunch.


Sessions 1-3 feature interactive learning with presentations, interviews, stories, activities and questions.

10.30 Registration and refreshments

10.45 Welcomes and worship

11.00 Session 1

What is happening and why it is important: How fresh expressions of church are changing the landscape.

12.10 Break

12.20 Session 2

Values and how fresh expressions of church are developing and can develop in your context.

13.30 Lunch

14.00 Local story feature 14.15 Seminar

Listening for Mission

15.05 Session 3 Where next?

16.00 End

Book or contact

For more information or to book:

Sara Deeks