From Margins to Mainstream: the Anglican Fresh Expressions Conference

You are invited to the 2015 Anglican Fresh Expressions Conference, From Margins to Mainstream, hosted by the Diocese of Southwark and the national Fresh Expressions team.

The conference title, From Margins to Mainstream, summarises our hope that the Church across the UK would move from simply allow fresh expressions of church to happen on the fringes, to embedding fresh expressions of church at every level of diocesan strategy and church life.

The conference features a team of inspiring speakers from the UK and overseas, including Paul Bayes, Karen Ward, Dave Male, Michael Moynagh, Anna Norman-Walker, George Lings, Ric Thorpe and Richard White.

There will be keynote addresses and practical seminars to choose from, and a message from the Archbishop of Canterbury. This conference will give you new skills and renewed passion for the work of creative mission in your own context.



Further details

For more information or to book, please visit the Eventbrite page.


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