Broadway vision day


Rachel Matthews, Tim Lea


£10 including refreshments and a light lunch.


Sessions 1-3 feature interactive learning with presentations, interviews, stories, activities and questions.

09.45 Registration and refreshments

10.00 Welcomes and worship

10.15 Session 1:

What is happening and why it is important: How fresh expressions of church are changing the landscape.

11.35 Break

11.50 Session 2

Values and how fresh expressions of church are developing and can develop in your context.

13.00 Lunch

Served in Broadway Methodist Church

14.00 Seminars

Choose from a selection of seminars and workshops.

15.00 End

Book or contact

For more information or to book:

Mark Pickering

07949 296 738

Communicating the gospel in a changing culture

Norman Ivison explores what we can learn from teaching and preaching in fresh expressions of church.

Norman Ivison heads up the Fresh Expressions communication and resources hub, creating videos and other audio and visual resources. A former BBC television producer, he has been ordained for 30 years and is currently an associate minister of St James' Church, Clitheroe, which has formed a new church (United Network Clitheroe) with its own ordained pioneer minister.



Further details

Book your places with Lesley Steed on or 01473 298510.