2 thoughts on “Fresh expressions in the URC – January 2013”

  1. Hello Francis,
    I’ve read your transcript about Fresh Expressions with interest.
    I met you when you were involved in the CWM Youth in Mission Workcamp held in Penrhys in July 2002. Our church – Llanfair has recently begun an exciting and challenging chapter. We held a Consultation in February which was attended by 50 people (in spite of bad weather!) from our local community and from our sponsoring denominations. As a result, 5 groups were set up – Worship and Nurture; Projects (we have a Community cafe, nearly-new clothes shop and launderette); Education, Arts, Leisure; Building, Finance, Management; Communications and each group has been working on various recommendations. The Worship and Nurture, for example, met for 7 training sessions during 2 weekends in August and September – led by John and Norah Morgans (who retired to Mid Wales in 2004 but thankfully still continue to inspire us1). Twelve local people, led by the Convenor, Michael Caswell (who started coming to Llanfair as a child) now meet on Monday mornings for Bible Study following the Discovering Together theology course. After Bible Study, we work out together who will be responsible for planning and leading various sessions during the week e.g. Sunday School, Compline and Monday morning worship with a class of children from Penrhys Primary School. Some of the group have been coming to church for years, whilst others are very new so it’s an interesting combination. We’re learning so much together through the Holy Spirit working amongst us.

    Another reason I wanted to write to you is to ask if you have any contact details for Jan Willhelm (I’m not sure if I’ve spelt his name correctly) who was part of the YIM workcamp as he became good friends with my friends Allan and Ellen Jenkins and their children. Sadly, Allan and Ellen both died within months of each other a few years ago and their eldest daughter, Lisa (who’s part of the Nurture Group) would like to contact Jan Willhelm about her parents.

    With thanks,

    1. How lovely to hear from you and how encouraging to hear about all that is continuing and developing anew at Penrhys. It still holds a special place in my heart, as the youth in mission camp was so formative for me and all the young people that came.

      I don’t have contact details for Jan Willem and doubt that CWM would still have, but one who might is Willemijn Pott and she is on Facebook under that name. So perhaps messaging her might get you a little bit further.

      I’d like to write a bit more in response to your post. Would you send me your email address (via the URC website)?

      Please give my warmest greetings to everyone at Penrhys who might remember our group.

      With every blessing,

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