making disciples in fresh expressions of church

It is time to think again about what it means to make disciples. We need to be much more intentional about what we're doing and how we're doing it because it's not about 'getting people to come to church'. Lifelong, whole life, discipleship is what we are looking for.

making disciples in fresh expressions of church aims to help teams looking to plant fresh expressions of church or those a little further down the road who now need to evaluate how they are helping people to grow as disciples of Christ. It unpacks the challenges of disciple-making in fresh expressions of church, and more traditional settings, because discipleship shouldn't be an afterthought.

What a wonderful resource for fresh expressions and, in fact, any form of church! I will be encouraging my students to read, digest and act on this booklet and I commend it to anyone who longs to see a widespread deepening of discipleship among the people of God.

Michael Volland, Director of Mission, Cranmer Hall

Bouncing with thought-provoking ideas and stories about different aspects of discipleship in the context of fresh expressions of church, this booklet is relevant and useful to those in other expressions of church who are also serious about making disciples. It draws together succinctly the challenges of reimagining discipleship.

Lucy Moore, Messy Church Team Leader

This booklet is an invaluable resource for anyone concerned to grow mature disciples. It is rooted in strong Biblical foundations and inherited practices of Christian spirituality, while also taking account of the challenges presented by today's lifestyles – all of it illustrated by the experience of those who are working with fresh expressions of church in diverse contexts.

John Drane, author of The McDonaldization of the Church

Graham has been passionate about discipleship for as long as I can remember so it's great to get his wisdom distilled into this accessible and practical resource. I can imagine lots of communities finding it really helpful as they consider best how to encourage missional discipleship at the core of their mission.

Jonny Baker, Course Leader, CMS Pioneer Mission Leadership Training Course