St Luke’s in the High Street – Aug13

Frances Shoesmith, Pioneer Team Vicar in the Parish of Walthamstow team ministry, oversees St Luke's in the High Street. She tells how a brand new 'Time Team' is their latest step in responding to what God is doing on Walthamstow High Street.

When I first arrived here in February 2011, it was a time of great change. Our Parish Evangelist moved to a new town and our pioneer ordinand's placement finished, so there were only about eight of us actively involved in St Luke's.

My licensing service took place in the local shopping mall because we don't have a church building. St Luke's has for some time felt called to focus on the local high street and its people. It was a gradual process but, by 2007, the St Luke's community had completely moved out of the church building and were meeting every Sunday in a high street café. The building itself was made redundant and is currently rented by a Pentecostal church. For a while we rented a house to use as a community house, but eventually we just went back to meeting midweek in members' homes.

St Luke's in the High Street - farmers' marketThe Farmers' Market in the high street has been running for almost six years and our community stall is there every week. We serve hot and cold drinks and homemade cakes, and provide a place for customers to sit, chat, have lunch and watch the world go by. We're always looking for ways to improve how the stall operates and one major change we put in place is to have a Team Leader on duty each Sunday. They are in charge from the market's 'Set Up' to 'Pack Down' and this is a great help to me because I manage the Farmers' Market on alternate Sundays and it's difficult to be responsible for running the stall at the same time.

We have a brilliant team of volunteers who enable us to run the stall come rain, come shine. Some are from St Luke's and some from other churches in the Walthamstow team ministry; it's one of the ways in which being part of a team of churches makes St Luke's in the High Street possible.

St Luke's doesn't profit financially from the stall. Once we have covered the cost of our supplies, any excess takings are donated to local charity, Worth Unlimited. In Lent 2011, we decided to stop charging for hot drinks but we still invited donations. Our takings went up; we discovered that people would rather give than pay!

But the free drinks also started drawing the men and women who hang around the town square, many of whom are dealing with various issues, including loneliness, mental health problems, addictions, long-term employment or family breakdown.

St Luke's in the High Street - teamOn Sunday mornings we have Breakfast, Bible and Chat in a local café. There used to be four to 10 of us there but, one Sunday, we offered to buy breakfast for one of the guys from the Town Square and it snowballed. We now often have around 25 people attending. Some pay, some get paid for. The wallet we keep donations in has never emptied in over a year and we take that as a sign we should keep going with this ministry. We're fairly firm about what they can order, making it clear that we're there for breakfast – not to feed them for the week.

The traditional-style café has tables and chairs fixed to the floor in fours. A St Luke's regular sits at each table and the others are expected to join in the Bible study. Some just eat; some want to share the stuff that's been going on for them that week while others get stuck into the Bible notes and even take them home to read. We tried using commercial study notes but they weren't at the right level for our people so now we write our own. We're working our way through St Luke's gospel, looking at about 10 verses a week with a couple of comments or questions at the bottom of an A4 sheet. We make sure the print size is larger than average because many of our visitors don't have suitable reading glasses.

Some at Breakfast, Bible and Chat are de-churched, some are non-churched. We also welcome Eastern Orthodox and Muslims too. Whatever an individual's background, we start from where they're at with the questions they're asking and take it from there. On one occasion, my husband used ketchup and vinegar bottles with a menu card in between them to demonstrate the Trinity and the effect of sin! Some of our visitors come for a little while and then disappear but others have been coming for over a year. If they simply come for the food, generally they soon get fed up when we insist they read the Bible with us.

St Luke's in the High Street - homeThe most encouraging thing is that many now come to our other activities. We have a monthly Second Breakfast, on the second Saturday of the month, and a Last Supper – on the last Wednesday – both of which take place in members' homes. These times revolve around food and being together. On other Wednesdays we meet for Bible Study, or to share communion, or to hear from a guest speaker from a local organisation. At our recent annual meeting, we elected one person from our 'fringe' to our Leadership Team (District Council) and another to our PCC.

We are a growing, but very fluid, community because the people coming in are quite broken. It really has been a case of 'seeing what God is doing and joining in' because we never planned to draw in the Town Square community; it just happened as a result of offering free drinks.

As a pioneer leader new to the area and the diocese, it's taken a while to build up the right support network for me and for St Luke's. I now have a small mentoring group – me, plus a Church Army church planter and one of the diocesan mission advisers. We also have an advisory group within the Parish – the Team Rector, the PCC co-chair, plus our Reader, Churchwarden and I. St Luke's would no longer have been in existence if it wasn't for being part of a Team Ministry. Two years ago when we were tiny, I don't think we would have survived alone. Having the right sort of support is absolutely vital.

St Luke's in the High Street - signMany St Luke's people also benefit from the joint parish Sunday evening service, a space to receive and be refreshed after lots of giving out on a Sunday morning. I believe that makes us a real example of the mixed economy at work, a fresh expression co-dependent with the Team Ministry.

But what of Time Team? It was an idea of mine to encourage lay leadership, an idea which we developed over a few months through a series of open meetings. We then invited people to volunteer, subsequently holding a commissioning event at the end of June in a local community hall. The team is made up of seven existing St Luke's regulars plus someone who has transferred from another church in the Parish. The idea is that we will be mutually responsible for running our activities – both existing ones and some new ones soon – and for providing pastoral care.

'Time' refers to people committing to one year, with the option to renew or leave after that time – or for new individuals to join. We didn't want people put off at being asked to sign their lives away.

It's also the start of us doing some succession planning. I'm not intending to go anywhere anytime soon, but it's important that St Luke's works towards being sustainable. As a District Church, our elected Leadership Team continues to be responsible for decisions and finances.

I suppose Time Team is instead of a planting team. If we were a church plant, a team would have been gathered and sent. But we evolved out of an Inherited Mode church, so we needed a different way of building a group to plant and sustain this fresh expression, a way for those who’ve been with us along the journey to make a commitment to being part of the vision and the future.

msm East Midlands – Leicester

You are invited to share a learning journey in a supportive community to be equipped for a lifetime of good practice and learning in growing fresh expressions of church.

Your local course

The Dioceses of Peterborough and Leicester, Northampton Methodist District and URC East Midlands Synod are delighted to make msm available locally. We believe it will be a significant resource for building the Kingdom of God in this area.

Individuals are most welcome, but we particularly hope that small groups from a church or fresh expression will come as this will deepen the impact of the course.

The course leaders and teachers include Tim Woolley, Miles Baker, Sarah Dunlop, Katharine Crowsley, Stuart Burns, Lynn Fowkes, David Cundill and Barry Hill.

Course timetable and venue

Saturday 20th September 2014

Saturday 15th November 2014

Saturday 17th January 2015

Saturday 21st March 2015

Saturday 16th May 2015

Saturday 20th June 2015

Saturday 19th September 2015

Saturday 7th November 2015

Saturday 16th January 2016

Saturdays run from 10.00 to 16.00 at St Martin's House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ.


£195 per person, which covers all materials, meals and refreshments. There is a reduction of £40 per person if you are travelling from outside Leicestershire. Bursaries and team discounts may be available


Maggie Clarke

Course Administrator

0116 261 5338


msm has taken us onto exciting new paths of learning, asking ourselves how we prayerfully breathe God’s love into our place and time, bringing all his people into his community. What a resource we can now carry.

Gilly Beardmore, Course Participant

It is a great course and I am thankful that I have shared this learning. It has shaped my journey, I have a much greater understanding of fresh expressions and feel better equipped, both spiritually and practically.

Diana Hancocks, Course Participant

It has convinced me even more that we need to be where people are, demonstrating the message of the Gospel, and opened my eyes to different ways of doing this. It was a great opportunity too to meet with others travelling the same path and share ideas, experiences and expertise.

Lesley Birtwhistle, Course Participant

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On Not Knowing the End at the Beginning

The Fresh Expressions initiative began as a result of the publication of the Church of England report Mission-Shaped Church. It developed as a partnership between the Church of England and the British Methodist Church, and now includes the United Reformed Church, the Congregational Federation, the Church of Scotland and the Salvation Army. This work, and its training materials has been taken up in a variety of parts of the world, including Australia, Barbados, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA.

A fresh expression of church is defined as:

a form of church for our changing culture established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church. It will come into being through principles of listening, service, incarnational mission and making disciples. It will have the potential to become a mature expression of church shaped by the gospel and the enduring marks of the church and for its cultural context.

No blueprint

The emphasis on 'listening' (discernment) and 'incarnational mission' (with particular emphasis on the specific local context) means that a key element of the praxis for planting fresh expressions of church, as developed in the UK, has been the recognition that the planting pioneer or team will not know the shape, model or cultural form of the fresh expression when they start out on the process of planting.

This contrasts with earlier approaches to church planting, which operated on more of a blueprint or architect's drawing model, where the plan was drawn up, the team formed, the resources gathered and only then the work begun. Often this was also a franchise model whereby a standard model of church was regarded as suitable everywhere, based on a particular denomination or tradition's history, whether recently established or centuries old. Success would be determined in part by the resemblance of the final project to the initial design. Did it look like church to those who commissioned the plant, was often more important than whether it was it an effective and authentic church for those it was trying to reach.

Some models of fresh expression of church do have a franchise element. Messy Church, for example, has spread round the world. But the point is not that every fresh expression should be unique, but that it should be appropriate to context. In a culture full of brands and franchises it would be surprising if this were not also a component of contextual church planting. However, in a recent study of the Church of England's dioceses of Canterbury and Liverpool there were 19 different models of fresh expression among the seventy or so examples in each of these very different dioceses.

A discernment led process

Best practice, which has developed as we have reflected on the hundreds of fresh expressions which have been planted since 2004, is a discernment led process, following a sequence of listening, serving, forming community, making disciples and only at the end letting the public form of the fresh expression emerge.

Contextual planting

This turn to contextual planting has developed through a number of stages of thinking. The first was the recognition that there is no culture free Christianity: That the missionary movement of recent centuries had not taken 'proper' church to other cultures, but had often imposed its own culture as the norm for others. Preparation for cross cultural mission then became the norm for those called overseas. We sent them to missionary college so that they could learn how they might engage with their new context. It took the missionary insight of Lesslie Newbigin, combined with the recognition that culture at home had changed substantially, before it struck home that cross cultural mission might be needed to reach across the street rather than across the seas. In practice, because there is no culture free Christianity, all churches contextualise, but only some know that is what they are doing and not all do it well! The Lausanne consultation Contextualisation Revisited called for a move

From contextualization as merely a strategy for cross cultural mission [to] Contextualization as a necessary and conscious practise of all churches in mission within their own cultures.

Contemporary cultural change is not from one stable form to another. Cultures are never static, but the accelerated speed of change, the complexity of a joined up multicultural world and the fluidity of the resulting cultures make our times profoundly unpredictable. We live in a time of discontinuous change. To quote Zygmunt Bauman

…the behaviour of complex systems with a number of mutually independent variables is and will forever remain unpredictable. Not just unpredictable to us, because of ignorance, negligence or dim-headedness, but by their very nature. Because the world we inhabit is as complex a system as can be imagined,its future is a great unknown, and it is bound to remain unknown whatever we do. The future is unpredictable because it is, purely and simply, undetermined.

Zygmunt Bauman, 44 Letters from the Liquid Modern World, Polity, 2010, p107

Theologically, of course, this is not the case. Christ has secured the future. We live towards that future which he has already secured, through his incarnation, death and resurrection. As we shall see, that future is to shape the present. But in the praxis of mission we live at a time when previous experience, and previous models as keys to reaching a culture, are very fallible guides for the future.

Although there is a dominant Western culture, which should be taken seriously, the key to planting a fresh expression of church is the local context. What forces shape a locality, whether neighbourhood or network or a combination of the two? Mission and disciple-making becomes a process of contextualisation or inculturation, involving the reading of a local culture. The complexity of contemporary society makes it even more important to recognise the distinctiveness of each local context. It also makes the cloning of models, which work elsewhere, the least appropriate contemporary church planting strategy. One size cannot fit all.

Rooted in a living tradition

But neither can the local context, or missional expedience, be the sole factors shaping a fresh expression of church. I write as an Anglican by conviction, so it is a matter of central concern to me to be able to establish how a local church can be a recognisable expression of the universal church. The church in each era and culture is the latest expression of a living tradition. Rootedness in that living tradition is one of the vital keys for local discernment about the shape of the church. There are key praxis questions about continuity and discontinuity with the past when discerning the appropriate local form of the church. Jurgen Moltmann identified this creative tension when he wrote

Where the retrospective bond with the apostles is concerned, the historical church will ask about continuity, and strive for continuity. But where the future its apostolate serves is concerned it will be open to leap forward to what is new and surprising.

Jurgen Moltmann, The Church in the Power of the Spirit, SCM, 1977, p360

It is here, at the interconnection between living tradition and contemporary context, that I find some ancient theology helpful. It is not a matter of practitioners learning ancient or new doctrinal theory and then trying to put it into practice, but of theological insight opening the way to missional practice, because it enables missional imagination. Puzzled practitioners, who know that existing ways are no longer fruitful or appropriate, can turn to the living tradition for the insight they need. The purpose is not to find ancient practice to romanticise and clone, but to be guided by the tradition to new windows on current contexts.

Two hands better than one

In the second century the church Father Irenaeus (Against Heresies in Stanley M. Burgess, The Holy Spirit: Ancient Christian Traditions, Hendrickson, 1984, pp59-61) called the Son and the Spirit:

the two hands of God.

Church planting, which is both to be anchored in the Christian tradition and contextual, needs to be a two handed process! Both Christology (the doctrine of Christ) and Pneumatology (the doctrine of the Holy Spirit) need to be brought to bear. The Orthodox theologian, Metropolitan John Zizoulos wrote that,

Christ in-stitutes (the Church) and the Spirit con-stitutes.

The 'in-stitution' is something presented to us, more or less a fait-accompli… The 'con-stitution' is something that involves us in its very being, something that we accept freely because we take part in its very emergence.

John Zizoulos, Being as Communion, SVS Press, 1985, p130

In other words the person and work of Christ is the given of the gospel. Any attempt at translation or embodiment of the gospel has to be faithful to that which is given. The church is only 'the body of Christ' (1 Corinthians 12), if it is the Christ of the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15) and creeds, who is being embodied. The body of Christ is called to bear the image of the biblical Christ. But translatability is also of the essence of the gospel.

Christianity is culturally infinitely translatable.

Andrew Walls, The Cross-Cultural Process Christian History, T&T Clark, 2002, p29

The early church quickly dispensed with the culture and language of its founder and opened up other languages and cultures. Our Gospels are missionary documents in which the original words of Jesus have been translated into Greek, as the primary first century language of mission. The translation was not of words alone but from one culture to many. The Holy Spirit was and is the chief translator and interpreter. The Spirit works 'with' the church to enable it to take Christ-like shape, appropriate to its context.

We shall consider each hand in turn.

The Spirit of God

It has become matter of fact to recognise the central role of the Holy Spirit in mission. But there is a danger that this is little more than an agreed theory which leads to little change in praxis. Newbigin warned that

It may seem that in stressing the role of the Holy Spirit in the mission of the Church I am simply repeating what everyone knows. And yet I have become convinced that even when this belief is present and vivid, there are factors in the structures and traditions of our work, which can prevent the belief from becoming effective.

Lesslie Newbigin, Trinitarian Doctrine for Today's Mission, Paternoster, 1998, p74

There have been two main recent emphases on the role of the Spirit in mission. Both place discernment in context at the heart of the missionary task.

The Spirit as missionary leader

The first concerns the role of the Spirit as the active leader of the Church's mission. John V Taylor's classic book 'The Go-Between God' opens with these words:

The chief actor in the historic mission of the Christian church is the Holy Spirit. He is the director of the whole enterprise. The mission consists of the things that he is doing in the world. In a special way it consists of the light that he is focussing upon Jesus Christ.

John V. Taylor, The Go-Between God: The Holy Spirit and the Christian Mission, SCM Press, 1972, p3

The Spirit is identified as the director of mission, not from head office, but ahead of the church on and beyond each front line. If this is the case then obedient faith, setting out to follow wherever the Spirit leads, without knowing the outcome at the beginning, is normal for Christian mission.

The shape of empowered mission is not arrived at ideologically, or even pragmatically. In mission we ask not just 'Is this action good and necessary?' We also ask, 'Where is God leading? Is this God's undertaking?' … Spirit leadership is central.

Clark H. Pinnock, Flame of Love: a Theology of the Holy Spirit, IVP, 1996, p145

I am convinced that the power of the Spirit is fundamentally power for witness beyond our comfort zones and familiar practices. In Acts 1.8 the move from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth conveys the essence of the missionary gift, rather than being incidental to it. In Luke Timothy Johnson's recent study of Luke/Acts, Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church he identifies openness to the Spirit as the contemporary equivalent of the itinerant ministry of Jesus and then of the apostles.

The narrative of Acts suggests that a community truly led by the Spirit will be led in new and surprising directions.

Luke T. Johnson, Prophetic Jesus Prophetic Church, Eerdmans, 2011

A careful reading of Acts, reveals a church continually surprised by the Spirit. Much which we now take for granted was a surprise to the church at the time. Why should it be different for us? The church takes shape by following the missionary Spirit. Bevans & Schroeder summarised their study of Acts by affirming that,

The church is 'missionary by its very nature' and it becomes missionary by attending to each and every context in which it finds itself.

Stephen B. Bevans and Roger Schroeder, Constants in Context: a Theology of Mission Today, Orbis, 2004, p2

Following the missionary Spirit involves us in more than spotting opportunities which have been prepared for us, it involves the possibility of significant change, as the story of Peter and Cornelius illustrates.

God is already ahead of all evangelism, carrying on his mission to the world… More often than not respectful discernment will demand drastic changes of heart and mind, as for Peter with his own traditions.

David F. Ford and Daniel W. Hardy, Praising and Knowing God, Westminster, 1985, p151

One pioneer minister, who led his people out of their church building to plant into the local tower block, described how they were all 'evangelised by the process'.

A foretaste of the future

The second insight concerns the eschatological nature of the Spirit's work. The Holy Spirit is and brings the anticipation of the future Christ has already secured.

The Spirit is 'The certain evidence that that future had dawned, and the absolute guarantee' of its final consummation.

Gordon D. Fee, God's Empowering Presence: the Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul, Hendrickson, 1994, p806

In biblical language the Spirit is first fruits, foretaste, down payment and guarantee of the final harvest. According to Newbigin:

…the Church in each place is to be the sign, instrument and foretaste of the reign of God present in Christ for that place: a sign, planted in the midst of the present realities of the place but pointing beyond them to the future which God has promised; an instrument available for God’s use in the doing of his will for that place; a foretaste – manifesting and enjoying already, in the midst of the messianic tribulations, a genuine foretaste of the peace and joy of God‘s reign.

Lesslie Newbigin, A Local Church Truly United, 1976

This has two implications for praxis. First, the key to planting contextual church is not just a matter of establishing relevance but of local prophetic foretaste of the future which Christ has secured, as it can be demonstrated in that time and place. In other words contextual churches are to be sources of hope, pointing to a future in which people can invest their lives.

Second, as Alan Roxburgh emphasizes (The Missional Leader, Jossey-Bass, 2006, p5,9), the key to missional church lies in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Missional imagination is possible because of the presence of the Spirit, even when such imagination seems little in evidence. This was promised from the beginning. The dreams, visions and prophecies, foretold by Joel and poured out at Pentecost are the gifts which equip missional leaders to plant churches which are provisional foretastes of the future. These gifts take form with greater diversity than some Charismatic circles allow, but they give substance to the promise of missional imagination. Good leadership cultivates an environment where that imagination can emerge. There is clear evidence that the vision for fresh expressions has released large numbers of new missional leaders in the Church of England and the Methodist Church. If empowerment for witness beyond one's comfort zone is of the essence of the Pentecostal gift, then missional imagination is the key to discernment.

The Son of God

It is obvious how the Spirit is central to missional praxis. But how does Christology help us? The incarnation of Christ is unique. The once for all event, when the word became flesh, is the basis for our salvation, But

The event defines how it is to be embodied and thus communicated.

Darell Guder,The Incarnation and the Church’s Witness, Wipf & Stock, 2004, p15

The pattern of God's unique, once for all, saving act, also provides the pattern for mission. Paul’s statement, in 1 Corinthians 9, is based in the incarnation.

For though I am free with respect to all, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I might win more of them. To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though I myself am not under the law) so that I might win those under the law. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law) so that I might win those outside the law. To the weak I became weak, so that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that I might by all means save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel

He engaged each culture from within, to the full extent possible, while remaining faithful to Christ. In summary he says 'Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ'. (1 Corinthians 11.1) To proclaim the cross faithfully, he imitated the incarnation.

Mission involves moving out of oneself and one's accustomed terrain, and taking the risk of entering another world. It means living on someone else's terms, as the Gospel itself is about God living on someone else's terms, the Word becoming flesh, divinity being expressed in terms of humanity. And the transmission of the Gospel requires a process analogous, however distantly, to that great act on which the Christian faith depends.

Andrew Walls, Christian Scholarship and the Demographic Transformation of the Church, in Theological Literacy for the 21stCentury, Eerdmans, 2002, p170f

The more we pay attention to a local context the more necessary an incarnational approach becomes.

Christian faith is embodied faith; Christ takes flesh among those who respond to him in faith. But there is no generalized humanity; incarnation has always to be culture specific.

Andrew Walls, The Missionary Movement in Christian History, T&T Clark, 1996, p47

The body of Christ

The fundamental meaning of the church as 'the body of Christ': that is, Christ taking flesh in each context, is often overlooked because of the other applications of the metaphor, concerning the role and gifting of each member of the church, and the quality of relationships within it. But the essence is that Christ takes appropriate shape within each culture and context, while remaining recognisably the Christ of the gospels. This is made most explicit in the letter to the Ephesians where the church is introduced as 'his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all' (Ephesians 1.23). Christ fills (or completes) each place by taking appropriate shape in a community of its followers. In this community there is reconciliation with God and across cultural divides. A new humanity has been created. It is the people of the new heaven and the new earth, living in advance of that reality (Ephesians 2). Through it God demonstrates his manifold wisdom to the forces which shape the present age (Ephesians 3). This new humanity is the body of Christ (Ephesians 4).

This makes mission a voyage of Christological discovery as we see Christ 'take shape' in contexts with which we are unfamiliar. The Lausanne Haslev consultation saw

Practicing contextualisation as a way of discovering the fullness of the gospel through a living, growing encounter between the gospel, proclaimed and lived; the Bible and the personal, social, political, economic, religious worlds in which we live.

Lausanne Committee, Gospel Contextualisation

Further riches of Christ are revealed through mission. Guder says

They were not expanding the gospel as they followed the missional mandate of our Lord across all the safe boundaries of their world. The gospel was expanding them. It still does.

Darell Guder, The Incarnation and the Church’s Witness, Wipf & Stock, 2004, p38

Christ locally expressed

This has substantial implications for the culture of the local church, if it is to be in any sense missional or incarnational. To quote Newbigin:

This will mean that the character of the local church will not be determined primarily by the character, tastes, dispositions, etc., of its members, but by those of the secular society in which and for which it lives – seen in the light of God‘s redemptive purpose revealed in Jesus Christ for all men.

Lesslie Newbigin

Christology shapes ecclesiology in praxis not just in doctrinal theory.

In the introduction to Mission-Shaped Church Rowan Williams defined church as an event. It is

what happens when people encounter the Risen Jesus and commit themselves to sustaining and deepening that encounter in their encounter with each other.

This provides

plenty of theological room for diversity of rhythm and style

and we would add, of context. But the Archbishop added one condition,

so long as we have ways of identifying the same living Christ at the heart of every expression of Christian life in common.

Rowan Williams, Introduction, in Mission-Shaped Church, CHP, 2004 pv

Each contextual church is a local expression of the body of the same Christ. How then can we be sure that the context does not distort the way Christ is locally expressed?

Connected and rooted

First we need to note that every context will distort to one degree or another. That is why each local church has to be related to other local churches and to the universal church. Walls says

None of us can reach Christ's completeness on our own. We need each other's vision to correct, enlarge and focus our own; only together are we complete in Christ.

Andrew Walls, The Cross-Cultural Process Christian History, T&T Clark, 2002, p79

Isolated contextual churches create a distorted form of corporate Christian life. Solitary confinement is a form of cruelty, not a condition for local flourishing.

Rootedness in Christ provides our immune system against such distortion. Practitioners need to immerse themselves in the Gospels to learn how Jesus engaged with Israel in his day.

As Jesus to Israel so the Church to the world.

NT Wright, God's future for the world has arrived in the person of Jesus, quoted by Andrew Perriman

Dallas Willard's definition of discipleship as

being with Jesus in order to learn from him how he would live my life

Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy, Fount, 1998, p283

has direct application to church planting and fresh expressions of Church. This involves a lot more than asking 'What would Jesus do?' The Gospels are not source books for bright missional ideas. Before we ask for wisdom about a context we need to see it through the eyes of Christ. The gift of the incarnation, revealed for us in Scripture is the gift of being able to see (imperfectly) as God sees, the gift of viewing all of life from the perspective of his Son.

In order to obtain a God's eye view… we merely need to hold true to the narratives which identify Jesus and organise the rest of our beliefs accordingly.

Bruce D. Marshall, Trinity and Truth, Cambridge University Press, 2000, p169

It is the long term, disciplined praxis of immersing ourselves in the narratives about Jesus, which train our eyes to read a context Christologically and act incarnationally. This is not a matter of Jesus becoming increasingly familiar, but of our allowing him to continually surprise us. Archbishop Stuart Blanche spent years studying the Gospel of Mark day by day. He told our congregation in York

Everytime I think I have grasped him, I discover something else which astounds me.

Training to follow the surprising and unexpected leading of the Spirit comes through being continually surprised by the Christ of the Gospels and the remainder of the New Testament.

Christ in Scripture provides the unchangeable foundation for all mission. Of particular significance is Christ’s praxis of mission, and the way in which that is contextualised into Gentile cultures in the New Testament church. Faithfulness to the gospel involves more than faithfulness to our understanding of the message, it involves a contextual application of the method.

Double handed mission

The two hands belong to one body. There is coordination between them. There can be no setting the Spirit against the Son or vice versa. In Revelation 2 it is Christ in all his glory who says

Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

According to David Ford this cry of Jesus

constitutes the church as a school of the wisdom of Christ, alert to his words and his own embodiment of them.

David F. Ford, Christian Wisdom: Desiring God and Learning in Love, Cambridge University Press, 2007, p188

The Spirit points to the Son and the Son to the Spirit. If rootedness in Christ is our immune system, then our capacity to identify the leading of the Spirit, provides our missionary flexibility.

Perhaps the greatest weakness in contemporary church planting is that we find it much easier to plant something culturally appropriate than something prophetic. We have always known how to recreate the church of the past. We are learning how to plant church which is relatively contemporary, though often too comfortable. What our world needs is church which is prophetic, in the sense that it offers an imperfect foretaste of a believable future, secured by Christ. This would be a church where repentance was primarily turning from the inadequate and sinful to something better, something believable, something which sustains hope in community. If we are to plant such churches we must pay close attention to context, we must accept that we will probably not know the end at the beginning, and above all we will have to be two handed.

Living Here – Working Here – Aug13

Chris Lewis, minister of Mount Zion Baptist Chapel, Bonymaen, tells how their garden project has been renamed Living Here – Working Here.

Living Here – Working Here is in continuity with the tradition and ethos of Mount Zion, which was established in 1924 and known locally as The Mission. Its history was one of community engagement through the familiar activities of Sunday School, meetings, Girl Guides and Brigades.

Bonymaen is an old settlement on the eastern edge of Swansea. The maen (pronounced like ‘mine’) – the standing stone – is on the green in front of the Bonymaen Inn. Bonymaen, where both English and Welsh are spoken, has developed as an urban village with a lot of social housing. Overall, it is a deprived area and is the location of Welsh Government-funded Communities First team.

To the west of the village, across a busy link road, lies the enterprise zone in which there are bank offices, the main Royal Mail sorting office, car dealerships, wholesalers, retailers and numerous other businesses. Many people commute into this part of the ward. The renaming of the project expresses an ambition to make contact with people who work in our area as well.

Living Well - diggingLiving Here – Working Here is about:

  • showing the Gospel simply through being with people. We want to share Christianity as a way of living an abundant life (John 10.10), which is fundamentally based on relationship (Leviticus 19.18; Matthew 22.39 and parallels; John 13.31 ff.) from which stems a concern for mutuality and justice in the present and a responsibility to those who will come after us.
  • working cooperatively with those whose objectives and desires for good are similar to ours (Mark 9.38ff; Luke 9.49f) and that the Kingdom of God is greater than our localised conception of it (John 10.16).
  • being 'ordinary'. A paradox of the Gospel is that there is strength in weakness (1 Corinthians 1.27). It doesn't matter that we're small, rather like the exiles in Babylon (Jeremiah 29) we look for salvation just where we are.

Over the last four years, we have been making a 'learning garden' to regain the skills of growing fruit and vegetables for home consumption to save money, reduce food miles and support health. This is gaining us a growing community of interest, simply because we are open regularly. Our garden has also been useful as a volunteering opportunity for Welsh Baccalaureate students from our community secondary school, Cefn Hengoed, and we've benefitted from their hard work.

Living Well - eatingOur public profile is increasing and we are being taken seriously as an agent for change; a councillor and a council official have asked us to think about how we could expand our work and I have been invited to join a campaign for fair credit in the Swansea Bay region and to speak at a rally on Christian ideas about the exploitation of poor people by lenders who charge high rates of interest.

People contribute to what we are doing by working, sharing ideas, making gifts and conversing. Some of them are people who have been alienated by institutional expressions of religion; finding them marginal or irrelevant to their lives.

In our original story on the Fresh Expressions website we said,

our project definitely has a missional purpose but exactly how it will work out is not clear yet. The base is a small and traditional Welsh chapel congregation which may continue in parallel with a new congregation.

A lot has happened since then and we are gathering people, not to our Sunday services so much but to the garden project because we are seen as 'putting good stuff in' to Bonymaen and we're being taken seriously as a people who speak for justice in the city.

Living Well - daisiesThe focus is on listening to, serving and engaging the community and whatever emerges must emerge from that. I hope that we will become a renewed congregation, one that accepts people whose culture (as it were) is different to that of traditional Welsh chapel. Mount Zion accepted us and I became the minister; I hope that acceptance will go on – a transformation – but I think salvation has to be understood as starting here and now.

People respond when they witness transformation; a neighbour with no church connection said to me recently about the chapel, 'you're turning it round'. That was an immensely affirming statement.

It's all about gaining confidence to be who we are and applying our Christian values to make an impact.

Sorted – update Aug13

Church Army evangelist Andy Milne gives the latest news on Sorted in Bradford.

It is a time of real change. We have been fortunate enough to have a guy working with us called Nick Lebey, an evangelist-in-training, but he is now moving on to start another fresh expression of church among young people in London. We will really miss him but fortunately we have got funding for a replacement and we hope to get someone in by September.

Another sign of change is that many people know us as the 'skateboarding church' because when we started off we did a lot of that. These days we hardly do any skateboarding at all – things have moved on in lots of ways.

There are now three Sorteds:

  • Sorted - groupSorted 1: This was the original Sorted which is becoming a place for the young people who have grown up through it. It grew out of the work in a secondary school but the young people are now aged 17 to 22. Sorted 1 meets on a Sunday night for a social get-together; Monday night is worship night and Wednesday night for small group Bible discussions. At the moment they are just exploring, and starting to get into, young adult mission.
  • Sorted 2: This grew out of a different secondary school to Sorted 1; it has been running for four years and Nick has done a lot of work in that school which has given it a very firm foundation. Sorted 2 meets on Thursday nights in small groups, Friday night is an open night for young people and Sunday night for worship.
  • Sorted 3: About 40 younger teenagers from the original secondary school now meet on Friday evenings to hang out together and hear a gospel message. We plan to start a couple of small discipleship groups in the autumn in response to their requests to take this a stage further. It is provisionally called 'Sorted 3' but it could well change its name as things develop.

Sorted - groupLast October we formed a new leadership team there, 50% of which was young adults from Sorted 1 and we started again in the very first school we worked in – Immanuel College. Most of the time there will be about four adult leaders and another six aged between 16 and 19.

We're also running a group for young parents because a lot of young adults in this area have children of their own at the age of 18 or 19. The group, called Thrive, is still in its early days but it's driving us to ask the question again, 'How do we do church with the people who have journeyed with us into adulthood?' We feel reasonably confident with what to do with them from the ages of 11-19 but how do we do things equally well for them as young adults?

Two of the parents from this group said they were happy to attend because they knew us, explaining, 'We wouldn't do it if it was somewhere else but we'll do it here'. We have known them for a long time so it's all about relationship and going to where they are 'at' rather than expecting them to come to us. These are young adults who are not only unreached by traditional church but they are, in many instances, not within the scope of local authority services either. They wouldn't necessarily want to get involved in local council parenting groups, for example. They don't feel part of that but they do feel part of Sorted.

Sorted - curry nightIn the long-term, we hope and pray there will be a Sorted church community for our young people and adults to take ownership of but we want it to be their mission not ours. We are the enablers rather than the direct evangelists.

There is now so much going on and we thank God for it' but it's true to say that without the support and backing of the Church Army it would have been impossible to sustain.

We have come a long way since Sorted started in 2003 with me as the one salaried employee – though my wife was very much involved as an unpaid person! In 2008 she started working part-time with Sorted and that was a great help.

As Church Army operates mission-based training teams, we became a mission-based training centre in 2009 and we are very fortunate to have benefitted from the enthusiasm and energy of several people since then, including James (Hawksworth) and Damien (Hine) who work with me now. That extra staffing has been crucial in giving us the resources to multi-plant.

Sorted - laptopI have no plans to move in the immediate future but, eventually, our aim is to try and raise up more young leaders like the ones we see now running Sorted 3. In support of that we are doing lots of training and identifying young people to put into leadership roles sooner rather than later  because we try to make it clear that 'we have got to do this together, you have got to be doing things with us'.

The training course we have started is one called Play The Game which we are devising ourselves. Leaders from Sorted 1 and Sorted 2 are coming along to those sessions which take place every few weeks or so, it's very important to provide that mentoring and so identify who has the potential to be leaders.

We have got lots of ideas about what will go into Play The Game, some of it has been taken from other courses so there's a bit of Alpha in there, for instance, but we are looking to tailor it for this context and make a good, Christian discipleship course to help deepen their faith and also provide the practical skills needed in leadership. That means we'll be incorporating things like 'how to do prayer ministry' and 'preaching styles' as well as giving them the tools to be able to cope with day-to-day issues they'll come across. We want to get a good balance between developing character and encouraging gifts and skills.

Sorted - talkFinance is another issue we're looking at. Being a Bishop's Mission Order means that we have Church Council rather than a PCC and it is mostly made up of young adults from Sorted 1. We were asked to pay a share to the Diocese and the Council said they were up for it so that's what we're aiming to do.

The vast majority of the young people we're reaching have had very little or no church background. Something that has really helped in developing the work here is to visit local churches periodically, taking two or three of our young people with us. We do a short talk and then they get asked two or three questions by the congregations who love to hear what's going on because they see young people who are coming to faith. In turn, the young adults benefit because they are meeting people who are really interested in them. It's something that encourages dialogue and that can only be a good thing.

making disciples in fresh expressions of church

It is time to think again about what it means to make disciples. We need to be much more intentional about what we're doing and how we're doing it because it's not about 'getting people to come to church'. Lifelong, whole life, discipleship is what we are looking for.

making disciples in fresh expressions of church aims to help teams looking to plant fresh expressions of church or those a little further down the road who now need to evaluate how they are helping people to grow as disciples of Christ. It unpacks the challenges of disciple-making in fresh expressions of church, and more traditional settings, because discipleship shouldn't be an afterthought.

What a wonderful resource for fresh expressions and, in fact, any form of church! I will be encouraging my students to read, digest and act on this booklet and I commend it to anyone who longs to see a widespread deepening of discipleship among the people of God.

Michael Volland, Director of Mission, Cranmer Hall

Bouncing with thought-provoking ideas and stories about different aspects of discipleship in the context of fresh expressions of church, this booklet is relevant and useful to those in other expressions of church who are also serious about making disciples. It draws together succinctly the challenges of reimagining discipleship.

Lucy Moore, Messy Church Team Leader

This booklet is an invaluable resource for anyone concerned to grow mature disciples. It is rooted in strong Biblical foundations and inherited practices of Christian spirituality, while also taking account of the challenges presented by today's lifestyles – all of it illustrated by the experience of those who are working with fresh expressions of church in diverse contexts.

John Drane, author of The McDonaldization of the Church

Graham has been passionate about discipleship for as long as I can remember so it's great to get his wisdom distilled into this accessible and practical resource. I can imagine lots of communities finding it really helpful as they consider best how to encourage missional discipleship at the core of their mission.

Jonny Baker, Course Leader, CMS Pioneer Mission Leadership Training Course