Video feature: deployment of pioneers

Deployment of pioneers

A selection of pioneers and leaders discuss the deployment of pioneers in the Church of England and how to free them up to pioneer.

Includes contributions from Tim Yau, Mark Broomhead, Christian Selvaratnam, Mike Pilavachi, Rowan Williams, Graham Cray, Christina Baxter, Yvonne Richmond, Steven Croft, Cathy Rowling, Pete Hughes and Harry Steele.

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Video feature: pioneer training

Pioneer training

A selection of pioneers and leaders discuss training for pioneer ministry in the Church of England.

Includes contributions from Pete Hughes, Jennifer Middleton, Tim Yau, Steven Croft, Annie Kirke, Ben Norton, Christina Baxter, Graham Cray, Graham Tomlin, Tim Sudworth, Mark Broomhead, Stephen Cottrell, George Kovoor, Cris Rogers, Cathy Rowling and Harry Steele.

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Video feature: pioneer selection

Pioneer selection

A group of pioneers and leaders discuss selection for pioneer ministry in the Church of England and what makes a good pioneer.

Includes contributions from Pete Hughes, Mike Pilavachi, Annie Kirke, Amy and Frog Orr-Ewing, Mark Broomhead, Steven Croft, Rowan Williams, Yvonne Richmond, Michael Volland, Christina Baxter, Cathy Rowling, Graham Cray, Stephen Ferns, Ben Norton, Jennifer Middleton, Christian Selvaratnam, Tim Yau and Tim Sudworth.

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Video feature: pioneering


A selection of pioneers and leaders discuss pioneering in the Church of England.

Includes contributions from Harry Steele, Ben Edson, Jill Duff, Tim Yau, Mike Pilavachi, Tim Sudworth, Amy and Frog Orr-Ewing, Michael Volland, Nick Bury, John Sentamu, Cris Rogers, Christian Selvaratnam, Yvonne Richmond, Graham Cray, Gareth Powell, Stephen Ferns, Pete Hughes, Jennifer Middleton, Steven Croft, Ben Norton and Rowan Williams.

Low-quality preview – downloadable version is higher quality.