New report shows range of fresh expressions in Methodism

Recently released figures from the Methodist Church have revealed a detailed picture of the denomination's fresh expressions of church in England, Scotland and Wales.

The Statistics for Mission Report is the first to include data on language, ethnicity, fresh expressions and the number of churchgoers engaged in children and youth ministry. The report identified 893 fresh expressions of church; with café churches, Messy Church and cell groups being among the most popular.

The Methodist Church of Great Britain began the regular collection and publication of statistics in 1766. In recent decades, while collection has continued to take place every year, publication has been triennial. The current triennium covers 2008-10.The next count takes place in October, the data for which is now gathered online.

The statistical report came from the Research Department of the Connexional Team. They published the comprehensive quantitative profile of the Methodist Church in 2009-10 on the basis of the 2009 count.

Dr Christopher Stephens, Research Officer, said the research was taking place annually to build an accurate picture of the Church in the 21st century. He said the data would enable the Methodist Church to better support local churches in their mission needs.

He commented,

This report reveals that we are diverse and modern. We have a huge number of fresh expressions and a wide breadth of worshipping communities. I think this report will surprise some readers, including Methodists. It demonstrates clear areas of growth and a rich diversity…

In addition to the main 306-page resource pack (which includes data at connexional, district and circuit levels), church-level statistics and an atlas of Methodist locations are also available in separate files.

A separate presentation on fresh expressions in Methodism [PPT] is available.

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