Holy Space – update Jul10

Holy Space continues at Wickford CofE Infant School though Revd Paul Trathen, who was assistant curate at St Catherine's Church, Wickford, Essex, has now moved on.

Revd Philip Kearns, who died in May 2010, oversaw its development with Curate, Revd Gill Hopkins; staff member and parent governor Emma Doe; and churchwarden Jeanette Cardenell. Headteacher Debbie Rogan remains a strong supporter.

Holy Space is now more deeply embedded in the curriculum, linking into whatever is happening in the life of the school. Parents continue to attend with their pre-school children but numbers vary widely.

The school has 114 children in five classes with 23 staff. The high number of staff is due to Wickford being a national support school, supporting schools in special measures. Holy Space, which attracts a core group of 10 to 12, does its own planning in terms of content.

It is very much seen as a key part of the school through offering times of thinking and reflecting. Pupils do this in different ways but Holy Space offers a particular focus once a week.

It is open to any pupil. 'Church' times or holy spaces take place regularly in all classes but Holy Space itself, which runs from 3pm-3.30pm every Wednesday, is a key focus. Headteacher Debbie Rogan says it is a fabulous resource to have for everyone – staff, pupils, and parents.

Succession planning has already started as the leadership team will change in September 2010.

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