Support us


We really value your support in prayer. For specific guidance in issues to pray for, please visit our online prayer space.

Get involved

You can use this site and check out ways to connect, including jobs or training in fresh expressions. You can also sign up to our free monthly email newsletter.

Support Fresh Expressions financially

Fresh Expressions is a registered charity, funded by individual donations, its partner organisations and charitable grants.

To give financially to support the work of Fresh Expressions, you can use the following methods:

    • Give through

      You can also use the following methods:

      • download our standingorder-giftaidform and return them to us.
      • give online by credit or debit card using Paypal. Transactions are handled by PayPal but no PayPal account is required.
      • give by text: text ‘FRES12 £10’ (or £5, £4, £3, £2 or £1) to 70070 *. You will be given the opportunity to Gift Aid your donation.
      • give as you shop online: register with and choose Fresh Expressions as your charity, then shop with hundreds of major retailers who will give a percentage of your purchase to Fresh Expressions.
      • call the office to give over the phone by credit or debit card.

Text giving

* Texts are charged at your mobile phone operator’s standard rate. The charity will receive 100% of your donation. You must be 16 or over and please ask the bill payer’s permission. For full terms and conditions and more information, please visit

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