We’re happy to come and talk to churches, meetings, synods or other gatherings about our research and about how best to encourage, support or start fresh expressions of church amongst young adults. Please contact us with your requirements and we’ll see what we can do.
A few examples of what we’ve done:
- church leader conferences: we’ve presented our research at conferences such as the Diocesan Lay Chairs Synod and the National Deanery Conference. At each we spent some time looking at our research and thinking of ways that those present could encourage work that would engage with young adults.
- diocesan and deanery events: again based around our research and thinking what might be possible on a more local level.
- events with young adults: one diocese organised a conversation evening around young adult engagement and brought together young adults in their churches as the beginning of a wider conversation that will see new things begin, pioneered by the young adults in partnership with the diocesan leaders. We were part of their initial conversation evening sharing stories of what is happening nationally.
The majority of our events so far have been in Anglican settings but as an ecumenical group this merely reflects who has invited us so far rather than any particular bias.
If you would like us to come and speak with you then we ask that the costs of travel (and accommodation if necessary) are covered.
If you would like to give us a gift on top of that it will be reinvested into the work of the young adult hub.
We usually require at least six weeks to arrange someone to come and time to work out our material.
Please contact us with your requirements and we’ll see what we can do. If you are not sure what would work in your context then please do still get in touch and we’ll give you some ideas.